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19th May 2011, 21:25

love you dearly...but, when my danders up, it's up.

And like last night when I was on my moral high ground, we are not coming down!

Kissypoos Tonyw.
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19th May 2011, 21:26
do I feel a song is coming on. 1.2.3.......
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19th May 2011, 21:28
Bostin' thread peeps!
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19th May 2011, 22:49
Have I strayed onto a site for children and childish adults?
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19th May 2011, 22:56
yes... maybe you have.

If you don't like it...

Do not tune in...

and please don't comment!

If you find it puerile..........ignore!

your comment is so redundant.

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20th May 2011, 11:53
Terry 2

I apologise for my previous post.

You are of course entitled to you own opinion.

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21st May 2011, 01:57
You owe Tony an apology too, don't you think? You chose to take his reasonable answer to a general question - could anyone use his email address - as an insinuation that you, personally, would post something abusive to him.

You then told us you never posted anything abusive on this site - before proceeding to be gratuitously abusive.
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21st May 2011, 11:33
I agree with you rose_madder but I shouldn't hold your breath for the apology!
Like all bullies and cowards he enjoys the anonymity of hiding behind a pseudonym.
Tony was completely open and supplied his personal address, and if Terry wished to save face he could always contact him privately and apologise, and answer Tony's point.
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21st May 2011, 15:01
What are Rose-Madder and Tommy T blathering about. They are as ridiculous as Tony. Tony is exactly what trevor said. He has also refused to answer the things put to him by Terry. He didn't come on here to answer any questions or give advice. Just to make a vicious attack on Terry. Why can't fools like Rose and Tommy read things the way they are and not make up a lot of lies. It was als Tony and not Pastille who first brought up obscenities.

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21st May 2011, 15:53
I can't be the only one tired of this. If Tony and his pals go away the rest of us would be happy.
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