Tony - issuing silly little challenges from your ivory tower hardly suggests the keenest of minds.
I have read some of your previous posts and, no offence, you come across as an appallingly arrogant,smug,patronising little twerp(i'd recommend a career in politics).
I've grappled with 'advanced crosswords' and was pretty good at them. The giddy heights of intelligence (which you desperately seem to want to associate yourself with - why else spoil jolans 5@5 twice,just to be first?) are just not needed.
Quite frankly,people like me and, i assume,terry,don't do them because they are generally rather dull. Reasonable general knowledge,common sense and a willingness to spend some time doing research is all that is needed.They remind me of homework.
Stop talking down to everybody here claiming that you are trying to help us poor sods rise up out of our ignorance.
I hope that Ximenes,like Euclid,would accept that his thoughts were a bedrock to be built upon,not adhered to slavishly by self proclaimed intellectuals.
here ends my thought for the day.