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19th May 2011, 20:43
oh trevor

you are sadly missed. With the aforementioned terry, you brightened up many a long, boring evening :(

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19th May 2011, 20:44

Why would you think I would be abusive?

I have never ever been abusive on this site.

Well maybe with Terry and Trevor...but they love it.

I like to pride myself, that I say what I think.

I think you are a pretentious tit.

Take care,

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19th May 2011, 20:52
Thanks so much for the two people who contacted me privately. You know who you are
and I thank you for your support.
You're probably right that Terry will bottle it. He's had an hour and nada.

For a crossword help line it's certainly an odd way to speak to someone who tires to provide answers.

I'll email you shortly as I'm logging off her now.

Thanks Tony
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19th May 2011, 20:53
Thanks for your reply Tony.
I would have said I was very good at advanced puzzles(false modesty stopped me) but yes, each to his own,i found them challenging but unsatisfying,like i said,rather dull and dry.Regular cryptic's are more fun.
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19th May 2011, 21:02

How unsurprizing that your fans hide away.

I at least have openly responded to your semi-demented ranting. And I have stayed reasonably polite about it. You on the other hand don't give any response to comments like the Jolan thing. You just go on and on and on about bloody crosswords. Does doing "superior" crosswords cause some sort of mental damage.

I note in your last post that you are "logging off her". Isn't that some sort of German porn.
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19th May 2011, 21:13
Oh dear,

Tony must have gone to bed...that big egghead head of his must need a rest.

I will show him abusive, if he wants.

My dander is up!

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19th May 2011, 21:19
foff ffoffreffedtoyyff ffoff twaddlee hee deeee deeee
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19th May 2011, 21:19
Pastille put your dander down this minute!
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19th May 2011, 21:21
why are you all here doing crosswords surely you should all be finding the cure for cancer at least
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19th May 2011, 21:24
can't we all just try and keep our peckers up? Eh Pastie?
lifes too short for fussing and fighting my friends.
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