
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

Like An Amateur
  1. in an amateurish manner; "he performed the piece amateurishly"
Less Than
  1. comparing quantity or quality; "she was less than half her weight after the crash diet"
La Valliere
  1. A neck ornament consisting of a chain and single pendant, or drop.
Li Bella
  1. A small balance.
Limburg Cheese
  1. A soft cheese made in the Belgian province of Limburg (Limbourg), and usually not eaten until the curing has developed a peculiar and, to most people, unpleasant odor.
Lim N&Aelig;A
  1. A genus of fresh-water air-breathing mollusks, abundant in ponds and streams; -- called also pond snail.
  1. A lace. See Lace.
  1. A follower of Jean de Labadie, a religious teacher of the 17th century, who left the Roman Catholic Church and taught a kind of mysticism, and the obligation of community of property among Christians.
Labarraque's Solution
  1. An aqueous solution of sodium hypochlorite, extensively used as a disinfectant.
  1. The standard adopted by the Emperor Constantine after his conversion to Christianity. It is described as a pike bearing a silk banner hanging from a crosspiece, and surmounted by a golden crown. It bore a monogram of the first two letters (