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Lamaze Method Of Childbirth
  1. a method that prepares a mother for natural childbirth; the pregnant woman (in classes and at home) practices (usually with the help of a coach) learns about the physiology of childbirth and techniques of relaxation and concentration and breathing
Lamaze Method
  1. a method that prepares a mother for natural childbirth; the pregnant woman (in classes and at home) practices (usually with the help of a coach) learns about the physiology of childbirth and techniques of relaxation and concentration and breathing
Leboyer Method Of Childbirth
  1. a method of childbirth that tries to minimize the trauma for the newborn; delivery occurs in a quiet dimly lit room and the infant''s head is not pulled and immediate mother-child bonding is encouraged
Leboyer Method
  1. a method of childbirth that tries to minimize the trauma for the newborn; delivery occurs in a quiet dimly lit room and the infant''s head is not pulled and immediate mother-child bonding is encouraged
Libyan Monetary Unit
  1. monetary unit in Libya
Libyan Dinar
  1. the basic unit of money in Libya
Libyan Dirham
  1. 100 dirhams equal 1 dinar
Liberian Dollar
  1. the basic unit of money in Liberia
Luxembourg Franc
  1. formerly the basic unit of money in Luxembourg
Laotian Monetary Unit
  1. monetary unit in Laos