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Lou Gehrig's Disease
  1. thickening of tissue in the motor tracts of the lateral columns and anterior horns of the spinal cord; results in progressive muscle atrophy that starts in the limbs
Lassa Fever
  1. an acute contagious viral disease of central western Africa; characterized by fever and inflammation and muscular pains and difficulty swallowing; can be used as a bioweapon
Legionnaires' Disease
  1. acute (sometimes fatal) lobar pneumonia caused by bacteria of a kind first recognized after an outbreak of the disease at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia in 1976; characterized by fever and muscle and chest pain and headache and chills and a
Lyme Disease
  1. an acute inflammatory disease characterized by a rash with joint swelling and fever; caused by bacteria carried by the bite of a deer tick
Lyme Arthritis
  1. an acute inflammatory disease characterized by a rash with joint swelling and fever; caused by bacteria carried by the bite of a deer tick
Landry's Paralysis
  1. a form of peripheral polyneuritis characterized by pain and weakness and sometimes paralysis of the limbs; cause is unknown
Low Pressure
  1. an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; "a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow"
Liquid Pred
  1. a dehydrogenated analogue of cortisol (trade names Orasone or Deltasone or Liquid Pred or Meticorten); used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of arthritis and as an immunosuppressant
Levant Morocco
  1. a heavy morocco often used in bookbinding
Ldl Cholesterol
  1. the cholesterol in low-density lipoproteins; the `bad'' cholesterol; a high level in the blood is thought to be related to various pathogenic conditions