
Matching Words

10423 Results

Below are the words that matched your query...

Labor Day
  1. first Monday in September in U.S. and Canada
Low Sunday
  1. the Sunday following Easter
Lag B'omer
  1. (Judaism) Jewish holy day; the 33rd day after the 2nd day of Passover; the 18th day of Iyar
Lower Paleolithic
  1. the oldest part of the Paleolithic Age with the emergence of the hand ax; ended about 120,000 years ago
Log Z's
  1. be asleep
Loaded Down(P)
  1. heavily burdened with work or cares; "bowed down with troubles"; "found himself loaded down with responsibilities"; "overburdened social workers"; "weighed down with cares"
Left Over(P)
  1. not used up; "leftover meatloaf"; "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"; "some odd dollars left"; "saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"; "unexpended provisions"
Lopped Off
  1. (of plants or trees) having the top or outer parts cut off; "lopped-off branches"
Laid Low(P)
  1. put out of action (by illness)
Laid Up(P)
  1. ill and usually confined; "laid up with a bad cold"