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Lotus Corniculatus
  1. European forage plant having claw-shaped pods introduced in America
Lotus Tetragonolobus
  1. sprawling European annual having a 4-winged edible pod
Lupinus Albus
  1. white-flowered Eurasian herb widely cultivated for forage and erosion control
Lupinus Arboreus
  1. evergreen shrub of the Pacific coast of the United States having showy yellow or blue flowers; naturalized in Australia
Lupinus Luteus
  1. yellow-flowered European lupine cultivated for forage
Lupinus Perennis
  1. stout perennial of eastern and central North America having palmate leaves and showy racemose blue flowers
Lupinus Subcarnosus
  1. low-growing annual herb of southwestern United States (Texas) having silky foliage and blue flowers; a leading cause of livestock poisoning in the southwestern United States
Lupinus Texensis
  1. closely resembles Lupinus subcarnosus; southwestern United States (Texas)
Livistona Australis
  1. Australian palm with leaf buds that are edible when young
Limnodium Spongia
  1. American plant with roundish heart-shaped or kidney-shaped leaves; usually rooted in muddy bottoms of ponds and ditches