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Lagerstroemia Speciosa
  1. native to Asia, Australia, and East Indies, where it provides timber called pyinma; used elsewhere as an ornamental for its large showy flowers
Languas Speciosa
  1. cultivated for its shining oblong leaves and arching clusters of white flowers with shell-pink shading and crinkled yellow lip with variegated magenta stripes
Low St Andrew's Cross
  1. low shrubby plant having yellow flowers with four petals arranged in a cross; Bermuda and southeastern United States to West Indies and eastern Mexico
Laportea Canadensis
  1. American perennial herb found in rich woods and provided with stinging hairs; provides fibers used for textiles
Lilium Auratum
  1. golden-rayed lily of Japan
Lilium Canadense
  1. common lily of the eastern United States having nodding yellow or reddish flowers spotted with brown
Lent Lily
  1. lily of eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans with broad funnel-shaped white flowers
Lilium Candidum
  1. lily of eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans with broad funnel-shaped white flowers
Lilium Catesbaei
  1. lily of southeastern United States having cup-shaped flowers with deep yellow to scarlet recurved petals
Lilium Columbianum
  1. lily of western North America with showy orange-red purple-spotted flowers