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Lily Of The Incas
  1. an Andean herb having umbels of showy pinkish-purple lilylike flowers
Leichtlin's Camas
  1. camas found to the west of Cascade Mountains
Lilies Of The Valley
  1. low-growing perennial plant having usually two large oblong lanceolate leaves and a raceme of small fragrant nodding bell-shaped flowers followed by scarlet berries
Liriope Muscari
  1. Asiatic perennial tufted herb with grasslike evergreen foliage and clusters of dark mauve grapelike flowers; grown as ground cover
Lablab Purpureus
  1. perennial twining vine of Old World tropics having trifoliate leaves and racemes of fragrant purple pealike flowers followed by maroon pods of edible seeds; grown as an ornamental and as a vegetable on the Indian subcontinent; sometimes placed in genus Do
Laburnum Alpinum
  1. an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum
Laburnum Anagyroides
  1. an ornamental shrub or tree of the genus Laburnum; often cultivated for Easter decorations
Lathyrus Hirsutus
  1. week-stemmed winter annual native to Mediterranean region for long established in southern United States; cultivated as a cover and pasture crop
Lathyrus Latifolius
  1. perennial climber of central and southern Europe having purple or pink or white flowers; naturalized in North America
Lathyrus Maritimus
  1. wild pea of seashores of north temperate zone having tough roots and purple flowers and useful as a sand binder