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Larrea Tridentata
  1. desert shrub of southwestern United States and New Mexico having persistent resinous aromatic foliage and small yellow flowers
Lombardy Poplar
  1. distinguished by its columnar fastigiate shape and erect branches
Loranthus Europaeus
  1. shrub of central and southeastern Europe; partially parasitic on beeches, chestnuts and oaks
Litchi Chinensis
  1. Chinese tree cultivated especially in Philippines and India for its edible fruit; sometimes placed in genus Nephelium
Leptarrhena Pyrolifolia
  1. plant with basal leathery elliptic leaves and erect leafless flower stalks each bearing a dense roundish cluster of tiny white flowers; moist places of northwestern North America to Oregon and Idaho
Lithophragma Affine
  1. California perennial herb cultivated for its racemose white flowers with widely spreading petals; sometimes placed in genus Tellima
Lithophragma Affinis
  1. California perennial herb cultivated for its racemose white flowers with widely spreading petals; sometimes placed in genus Tellima
Lithophragma Parviflorum
  1. plant with mostly basal leaves and slender open racemes of white or pale pink flowers; prairies and open forest of northwestern United States to British Columbia and Alberta
London Plane
  1. very large fast-growing tree much planted as a street tree
Linanthus Dianthiflorus
  1. low wiry-stemmed branching herb or southern California having fringed pink flowers