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Ligustrum Japonicum
  1. evergreen shrub of Japan and Korea having small dark leaves and flowers in loose panicles; related to but smaller than Chinese privet
Ligustrum Lucidum
  1. erect evergreen treelike shrub of China and Korea and Japan having acuminate leaves and flowers in long erect panicles; resembles Japanese privet
Ligustrum Obtusifolium
  1. small deciduous shrub having graceful arching branches and luxuriant foliage
Ligustrum Ovalifolium
  1. semi-evergreen Japanese shrub having malodorous flowers; used extensively for hedges because more likely to stay green that common privet
Ligustrum Vulgare
  1. deciduous semi-evergreen shrub used for hedges
Liquidambar Styraciflua
  1. a North American tree of the genus Liquidambar having prickly spherical fruit clusters and fragrant sap
Laguncularia Racemosa
  1. shrub to moderately large tree that grows in brackish water along the seacoasts of western Africa and tropical America; locally important as a source of tannin
Lythrum Salicaria
  1. marsh herb with a long spike of purple flowers; originally of Europe but now rampant in eastern United States
Lythrum Hyssopifolia
  1. annual with small solitary pink flowers; originally of Europe but widely naturalized in moist areas
Lagerstroemia Indica
  1. ornamental shrub from eastern India commonly planted in the southern United States