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Lombardy Poplar
  1. distinguished by its columnar fastigiate shape and erect branches
Large-Toothed Aspen
  1. aspen with a narrow crown; eastern North America
  2. aspen with a narrow crown; eastern North America
Large Tooth Aspen
  1. aspen with a narrow crown; eastern North America
  2. aspen with a narrow crown; eastern North America
  1. in some classification includes Viscaceae: parasitic or hemiparasitic shrublets or shrubs or small trees of tropical and temperate regions; attach to hosts by haustoria
  1. type genus of the Loranthaceae: 1 species
Loranthus Europaeus
  1. shrub of central and southeastern Europe; partially parasitic on beeches, chestnuts and oaks
  1. tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts; sometimes placed in genera Euphorbia or Nephelium
  1. tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts; sometimes placed in genera Euphorbia or Nephelium
  1. tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts; sometimes placed in genera Euphorbia or Nephelium
  1. tree of southeastern Asia to Australia grown primarily for its sweet edible fruit resembling litchi nuts; sometimes placed in genera Euphorbia or Nephelium