
Matching Words

10423 Results

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London Plane
  1. very large fast-growing tree much planted as a street tree
  1. a genus of herbs of the family Polemoniaceae; found in western United States
Linanthus Dianthiflorus
  1. low wiry-stemmed branching herb or southern California having fringed pink flowers
Linanthus Dichotomus
  1. small California annual with white flowers
Large-Flowered Fiddleneck
  1. annual of the western United States having large coiled flower spikes; a threatened species
  2. annual of the western United States having large coiled flower spikes; a threatened species
  1. stickweed; beggar's lice
  1. annual or perennial herbaceous or shrubby plants; cosmopolitan except Australia
Lithospermum Officinale
  1. European perennial branching plant; occurs in hedgerows and at the edge of woodlands
Lithospermum Caroliniense
  1. perennial plant of eastern North America having hairy foliage yielding a red or yellow pigment
Lithospermum Canescens
  1. perennial North American plant with greyish hairy foliage yielding a red or yellow pigment