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10423 Results

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Lemon-Wood Tree
  1. South African evergreen having hard tough wood
  2. South African evergreen having hard tough wood
  1. small species of shrubs of western Himalayas to China
Leycesteria Formosa
  1. shrub honeysuckle with drooping spikes of purplish flowers
  1. one species: twinflower
Linnaea Borealis
  1. creeping evergreen subshrub of the northern parts of Europe and Asia with delicate fragrant tubular bell-shaped usually pink flowers borne in pairs
Linnaea Borealis Americana
  1. similar to the twinflower of northern Europe and Asia
  1. woodbine
Lonicera Albiflora
  1. bushy honeysuckle with twining branches and white or yellow-white flowers; southern United States
Lonicera Canadensis
  1. erect deciduous North American shrub with yellow-white flowers
Lonicera Caprifolium
  1. deciduous climbing shrub with fragrant yellow-white flowers in axillary whorls