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  1. perennial northern temperate plant with toothed leaves and heads of small purplish-white flowers
  1. one species: leatherleaf saxifrage
Leatherleaf Saxifrage
  1. plant with basal leathery elliptic leaves and erect leafless flower stalks each bearing a dense roundish cluster of tiny white flowers; moist places of northwestern North America to Oregon and Idaho
  2. plant with basal leathery elliptic leaves and erect leafless flower stalks each bearing a dense roundish cluster of tiny white flowers; moist places of northwestern North America to Oregon and Idaho
Leptarrhena Pyrolifolia
  1. plant with basal leathery elliptic leaves and erect leafless flower stalks each bearing a dense roundish cluster of tiny white flowers; moist places of northwestern North America to Oregon and Idaho
  1. small genus of perennial herbs of the western North America
Lithophragma Affine
  1. California perennial herb cultivated for its racemose white flowers with widely spreading petals; sometimes placed in genus Tellima
Lithophragma Affinis
  1. California perennial herb cultivated for its racemose white flowers with widely spreading petals; sometimes placed in genus Tellima
Lithophragma Parviflorum
  1. plant with mostly basal leaves and slender open racemes of white or pale pink flowers; prairies and open forest of northwestern United States to British Columbia and Alberta
  1. variably colored and sometimes variegated hard tough elastic wood of a sycamore tree
  1. variably colored and sometimes variegated hard tough elastic wood of a sycamore tree