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Below are the words that matched your query.

Sigmund Romberg
  1. noun - United States composer (born in Hungary) who composed operettas (1887-1951)
Signal To Noise
  1. - The ratio of the intensity of a signal{2} to the background noise detected by a measuring instrument, especially in a communications channel; the higher the ratio, the more accurately the information contained can be interpreted. The term is applied not only to human communications, but to the detection of information in any system that is being studied to gain knowledge; as, the signal-to-noise ratio of light signals in older optic fibers drops to an unusable level after several miles..
  1. noun - the ratio of signal intensity to noise intensity
Silene Uniflora
  1. noun - perennial of Arctic Europe having large white flowers with inflated calyx
Silene Vulgaris
  1. noun - perennial of Arctic Europe having large white flowers with inflated calyx
Silent Witness
  1. unknown - TV crime series.
Silicon Carbide
  1. noun - an extremely hard blue-black crystalline compound (SiC) used as an abrasive and a heat refractory material; crystals of silicon carbide can be used as semiconductors
Silicon Dioxide
  1. noun - a white or colorless vitreous insoluble solid (SiO2); various forms occur widely in the earth''s crust as quartz or cristobalite or tridymite or lechartelierite
  2. a white or colorless vitreous insoluble solid (SiO2); various forms occur widely in the earth's crust as quartz or cristobalite or tridymite or lechatelierite
Silicone Rubber
  1. noun - made from silicone elastomers; retains flexibility resilience and tensile strength over a wide temperature range
Silurian Period
  1. noun - from 425 million to 405 million years ago; first air-breathing animals