Matching Words
846 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Having one surface; -- said specif. of aeroplanes or aerocurves that are covered with fabric, etc., on only one side.
Singular Matrix
- noun - a square matrix whose determinant is zero
- - Left-handed; hence, unlucky.
Sinking Feeling
- noun - a feeling caused by uneasiness or apprehension; "with a sinking heart"; "a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach"
Sinoatrial Node
- noun - a specialized bit of heart tissue that controls the heartbeat
Siouan Language
- noun - a family of North American Indian languages spoken by the Sioux
- adjective - able to communicate in a Siouan language
Sir David Bruce
- noun - Australian physician and bacteriologist who described the bacterium that causes undulant fever or brucellosis (1855-1931)
Sir Henry Percy
- noun - English soldier killed in a rebellion against Henry IV (1364-1403)
Sir James Dewar
- noun - Scottish chemist and physicist noted for his work in cryogenics and his invention of the Dewar flask (1842-1923)