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Matching Words

846 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Pitching Change
  1. noun - replacing a pitcher in baseball
  1. noun - former genus of primitive apelike men now Homo erectus
Pituitary Dwarf
  1. noun - a dwarf whose condition is caused by a deficiency of growth hormones, rather than by genetic factors (as in the case of the achondroplastic dwarf)
Pituitary Gland
  1. noun - the master gland of the endocrine system; located at the base of the brain
Pityriasis Alba
  1. noun - common form of pityriasis (usually in children or young adults) characterized by round patches of depigmentation
Pivoting Window
  1. noun - a window that opens by pivoting either horizontally or vertically
  1. noun - a transferase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of ribonucleic acid
Richard Burbage
  1. noun - English actor who was the first to play the leading role in several of Shakespeare''s tragedies (1567-1619)
  2. English actor who was the first to play the leading role in several of Shakespeare's tragedies (1567-1619)
Richard E. Byrd
  1. noun - explorer and United States naval officer; led expeditions to explore Antarctica (1888-1957)
Richard Feynman
  1. noun - United States physicist who contributed to the theory of the interaction of photons and electrons (1918-1988)