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2563 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - More deaf. Harder of hearing
  1. - Without sense of sounds; obscurely.
  1. noun - a firm engaged in trading
  2. a seller of illicit goods; "a dealer in stolen goods"
  3. someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold
  4. the major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells for his own account
  5. the person who distributes the playing cards in a card game
  1. - Share dealt.
  1. unknown - more expensive
  1. noun - a special loved one
  1. adverb - at a great cost; "he paid dearly for the food"; "this cost him dear"
  2. in a sincere and heartfelt manner; "I would dearly love to know"
  3. with affection; "she loved him dearly"; "he treats her affectionately"
  1. noun - absence
  2. an acute insufficiency
  3. an insufficient quantity or number
  1. noun - a final state; "he came to a bad end"; "the so-called glorious experiment came to an inglorious end"
  2. the absence of life or state of being dead; "he seemed more content in death than he had ever been in life"
  3. the act of killing; "he had two deaths on his conscience"
  4. the event of dying or departure from life; "her death came as a terrible shock"; "upon your decease the capital will pass to your grandchildren"
  5. the permanent end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism; "the animal died a painful death"
  6. the personification of death; "Death walked the streets of the plague-bound city"
  7. the time at which life ends; continuing until dead; "she stayed until his death"; "a struggle to the last"
  8. the time when something ends; "it was the death of all his plans"; "a dying of old hopes"
  1. - To deprive of the beard.