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2563 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - Of or pertaining to the tail.
  1. noun - deciduous shrubs and trees of eastern Asia, southern Europe and the United States
  1. - See Cercopod.
  1. adjective - a breakfast food prepared from grain
  2. foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses
  3. grass whose starchy grains are used as food: wheat; rice; rye; oats; maize; buckwheat; millet
  4. made of grain or relating to grain or the plants that produce it; "a cereal beverage"; "cereal grasses"
  1. noun - genus of much-branched treelike or shrubby cacti with pronounced ribs and rounded needlelike spines and nocturnal flowers usually white
  1. - Same as Cerrial.
  1. verb - wrap up in a cerecloth; "cere a corpse"
  1. - One of the fine lines of a letter, esp. one of the fine cross strokes at the top and bottom of letters.
  1. adjective - a red the color of ripe cherries
  2. of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies
  1. - A gastropod shell belonging to the family Cerithi; -- so called from its hornlike form.