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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. - A girdle; particularly that of Aphrodite (or Venus) which gave the wearer the power of exciting love.
  1. - See C.
  1. - An oily hydrocarbon, C16H32, of the ethylene series, obtained from spermaceti.
  1. noun - a republic on the island of Ceylon; became independent of the United Kingdom in 1948
  2. an island in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of India
  3. Now known as Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
  1. verb - make or become free of frost or ice; "Defrost the car window"
  1. noun - a cleric ranking just below a priest in Christian churches; one of the Holy Orders
  2. a Protestant layman who assists the minister
  1. verb - become lifeless, less lively, intense, or active; lose life, force, or vigor
  2. convert (metallic mercury) into a grey powder consisting of minute globules, as by shaking with chalk or fatty oil
  3. cut a girdle around so as to kill by interrupting the circulation of water and nutrients; "girdle the plant"
  4. lessen the momentum or velocity of; "deaden a ship's headway"
  5. make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation; "Terror blunted her feelings"; "deaden a sound"
  6. make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible; "muffle the message"
  7. make vapid or deprive of spirit; "deadened wine"
  1. adjective - (of a disease) having a rapid course and violent effect
  2. (used as intensives) extremely; "she was madly in love"; "deadly dull"; "deadly earnest"; "deucedly clever"; "insanely jealous"
  3. as if dead
  4. causing or capable of causing death; "a fatal accident"; "a deadly enemy"; "mortal combat"; "a mortal illness"
  5. exceedingly harmful
  6. extremely poisonous or injurious; producing venom; "venomous snakes"; "a virulent insect bite"
  7. involving loss of divine grace or spiritual death; "the seven deadly sins"
  8. of an instrument of certain death; "deadly poisons"; "lethal weapon"; "a lethal injection"
  1. verb - make or render deaf; "a deafening noise"
  1. verb - be unbearably loud; "a deafening noise"
  2. make or render deaf; "a deafening noise"
  3. make soundproof; "deafen a room"