Matching Words
2349 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - beat severely
- become drunk or drink excessively
- cover with liquid; pour liquid onto; "souse water on his hot face"
- extremely wet; "dripping wet"; "soaking wet"
- fill, soak, or imbue totally; "soak the bandage with disinfectant"
- heat a metal prior to working it
- leave as a guarantee in return for money; "pawn your grandfather's gold watch"
- make drunk (with alcoholic drinks)
- rip off; ask an unreasonable price
- submerge in a liquid; "I soaked in the hot tub for an hour"
- the act of making something completely wet; "he gave it a good drenching"
- the process of becoming softened and saturated as a consequence of being immersed in water (or other liquid); "a good soak put life back in the wagon"
- washing something by allowing it to soak
- noun - a crate for packing soap
- a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it
- adjective - resembling or having the qualities of soap; "a soapy consistency"
- unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech;
- verb - rub soap all over, usually with the purpose of cleaning
Soar Up
- verb - rise rapidly; "the dollar soared against the yen"
- rise rapidly; "the dollar soared against the yes"
- verb - ascending to a level markedly higher than the usual; "soaring prices"
- fly a plane without an engine
- fly by means of a hang glider
- fly upwards or high in the sky
- go or move upward; "The stock market soared after the cease-fire was announced"
- of imposing height; especially standing out above others; "an eminent peak"; "lofty mountains"; "the soaring spires of the cathedral"; "towering icebergs"
- rise rapidly; "the dollar soared against the yen"
- the activity of flying a glider
- adjective - pertaining to or involving or having the nature of space; "the first dimension to concentrate on is the spatial one"; "spatial ability"; "spatial awareness"; "the spatial distribution of the population"
- unknown - More spaced out
- verb - place at intervals; "Space the interviews so that you have some time between the different candidates"
- the property possessed by an array of things that have space between them
- the time between occurrences of a repeating event; "some women do not control the spacing of their children"
- noun - powder (containing gypsum plaster and glue) that when mixed with water forms a plastic paste used to fill cracks and holes in plaster