Matching Words
2349 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- verb - spread thickly; "I can't eat bagels without slathering them with cream cheese"
- adjective - of the color of slate or granite; "the slaty sky of dawn"
- verb - A poor review - film,tv program, play, book etc
- a severely critical attack; "the reviewers gave his book a sound slating"
- cover with slate; "slate the roof"
- designate or schedule; "He slated his talk for 9 AM"; "She was slated to be his successor"
- enter on a list or slate for an election; "He was slated for borough president"
- the act of laying slates for a roof
- thin layers of rock used for roofing
- verb - close the slats of (windows)
- equip or bar with slats; "Slat the windows"
- - To be careless, negligent, or aswkward, esp. with regard to dress and neatness; to be wasteful.
- noun - a person engaged in slave trade
- Dribble
- drool
- let saliva drivel from the mouth; "The baby drooled"
- someone who holds slaves
- noun - the practice of owning slaves
- the state of being under the control of another person
- work done under harsh conditions for little or no pay
- noun - a female domestic servant who does all kinds of menial work
- verb - work very hard, like a slave
- adjective - abjectly submissive; characteristic of a slave or servant; "slavish devotion to her job ruled her life"; "a slavish yes-man to the party bosses"- S.H.Adams; "she has become submissive and subservient"
- blindly imitative; "a slavish copy of the original"