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Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. unknown - comparative of smart (Adjective) Having or showing more of a quick-witted intelligence than something or someone else
  1. unknown - Clever person
  1. - To waste away.
  1. adverb - in a clever manner; "they were cleverly arranged"; "a smartly managed business"
  2. in a stylish manner; "He was smartly dressed"
  3. with vigor; in a vigorous manner; "he defended his ideas vigorously"
  1. verb - break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over; "Smash a plate"
  2. break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow; "The window smashed"
  3. collide or strike violently and suddenly; "The motorcycle smashed into the guard rail"
  4. damage or destroy as if by violence; "The teenager banged up the car of his mother"
  5. hit (a tennis ball) in a powerful overhead stroke
  6. hit hard; "He smashed a 3-run homer"
  7. hit violently; "She smashed her car against the guard rail"
  8. humiliate or depress completely; "She was crushed by his refusal of her invitation"; "The death of her son smashed her"
  9. overthrow or destroy (something considered evil or harmful); "The police smashed the drug ring after they were tipped off"
  10. reduce to bankruptcy;
  11. very drunk
  1. noun - a conspicuous success; "that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career"; "that new Broadway show is a real smasher"; "the party went with a bang"
  2. a person who smashes something
  3. a very attractive or seductive looking woman
  1. noun - a conspicuous success; "that song was his first hit and marked the beginning of his career"; "that new Broadway show is a real smasher"; "the party went with a bang"
  2. a hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head
  3. a serious collision (especially of motor vehicles)
  4. a vigorous blow; "the sudden knock floored him"; "he took a bash right in his face"; "he got a bang on the head"
  5. break into pieces, as by striking or knocking over; "Smash a plate"
  6. break suddenly into pieces, as from a violent blow; "The window smashed"
  7. collide or strike violently and suddenly; "The motorcycle smashed into the guard rail"
  8. damage or destroy as if by violence; "The teenager banged up the car of his mother"
  9. hit (a tennis ball) in a powerful overhead stroke
  10. hit hard; "He smashed a 3-run homer"
  11. hit violently; "She smashed her car against the guard rail"
  12. humiliate or depress completely; "She was crus
  1. verb - speak with spotty or superficial knowledge; "She smatters Russian"
  2. to talk foolishly; "The two women babbled and crooned at the baby"
  3. work with in an amateurish manner; "She dabbles in astronomy"; "He plays around with investments but he never makes any money"
  1. verb - eat a snack; eat lightly; "She never loses weight because she snacks between meals"
  1. noun - someone who eats lightly or eats snacks between meals