Matching Words
1866 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A live or glowing coal; a glede.
- - To make sport; to gibe; to sneer; to spend time idly.
- noun - A short choral composition which flourished in Britain from about 1750 to 1830
- great merriment
- happiness
- malicious satisfaction
- noun - a thin morbid discharge as from a wound or especially chronic gonorrhea
- verb - affixed or as if affixed with glue or paste; "he stayed glued to one spot"; "pieces of pasted paper"
- be fixed as if by glue; "His eyes were glued on her"
- join or attach with or as if with glue; "paste the sign on the wall"; "cut and paste the sentence in the text"
- Sticking ,Fixing
- - One who cements with glue.
- noun - be fixed as if by glue; "His eyes were glued on her"
- cement consisting of a sticky substance that is used as an adhesive
- join or attach with or as if with glue; "paste the sign on the wall"; "cut and paste the sentence in the text"
- Sticking ,Fixing
- adjective - having the sticky properties of an adhesive