Matching Words
1866 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A concentrated stock, especially of game or fish, used as flavouring
- The dung of deer.
- verb - become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat; "The substances fused at a very high temperature"
- equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse
- joined together into a whole; "United Industries"; "the amalgamated colleges constituted a university"; "a consolidated school"
- make liquid or plastic by heating; "The storm fused the electric mains"
- mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
- noun - a colored flare used as a warning signal by trucks and trains
- a friction match with a large head that will stay alight in the wind
- a spirally grooved spindle in a clock that counteracts the diminishing power of the uncoiling mainspring
- any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant
- noun - an electrical device that can interrupt the flow of electrical current when it is overloaded
- any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant
- become plastic or fluid or liquefied from heat; "The substances fused at a very high temperature"
- equip with a fuse; provide with a fuse
- make liquid or plastic by heating; "The storm fused the electric mains"
- mix
- mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
- noun - a colored flare used as a warning signal by trucks and trains
- a friction match with a large head that will stay alight in the wind
- any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant
- noun - any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant
- - A rent, service, tribute, custom, tax, impost, or duty; an excise.
- verb - place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse"
- - A measurer. See Gauger.
- noun - A knight's glove or gauntlet thrown to declare combat
- a measuring instrument for measuring and indicating a quantity such as the thickness of wire or the amount of rain etc.
- also an item lodged as security for a loan.
- place a bet on; "Which horse are you backing?"; "I'm betting on the new horse"
- street names for marijuana