Matching Words
1866 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A sea perch or a mollusc with shell opened at each end.
- One who gapes.
- noun - a stare of amazement (usually with the mouth open)
- an expression of openmouthed astonishment
- be wide open; "the deep gaping canyon"
- look with amazement; look stupidly
- verb - attack with gas; subject to gas fumes; "The despot gassed the rebellious tribes"
- poisoning by fumes
- show off
- verb - control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate
- restrict (school boys') movement to the dormitory or campus as a means of punishment
- supply with a gate; "The house was gated"
- noun - a computer circuit with several inputs but only one output that can be activated by particular combinations of inputs
- a movable barrier in a fence or wall
- control with a valve or other device that functions like a gate
- passageway (as in an air terminal) where passengers can embark or disembark
- restrict (school boys') movement to the dormitory or campus as a means of punishment
- supply with a gate; "The house was gated"
- Takings
- total admission receipts at a sports event
- United States computer entrepreneur whose software company made him the youngest multi-billionaire in the history of the United States (born in 1955)
- noun - a small mallet used by a presiding officer or a judge
- verb - look at with fixed eyes; "The students stared at the teacher with amazement"
- - The black currant; also, the wild plum.
- noun - a long fixed look; "he fixed his paternal gaze on me"
- look at with fixed eyes; "The students stared at the teacher with amazement"