Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Having no spleen; hence, kind; gentle; mild.
- noun - any of various chiefly rock-inhabiting ferns of the genus Asplenium
- noun - a small plane that has a handle on each side of its blade; used for shaping or smoothing cylindrical wooden surfaces (originally wheel spokes)
Spore Case
- noun - organ containing or producing spores
- specialized leaf branch in certain aquatic ferns that encloses the sori or clusters of sporangia
- - Resembling froth or foam; foaming.
- adjective - capable of being easily compressed
Squeeze By
- verb - manage one''s existence barely; "I guess I can squeeze by on this lousy salary"
- manage one's existence barely; "I guess I can squeeze by on this lousy salary"
- unknown - An accordion or harmonica
- noun - the act of gripping and pressing firmly; "he gave her cheek a playful squeeze"
St Bernard
- noun - a Swiss alpine breed of large powerful dog with a thick coat of hair used as a rescue dog
- a Swiss alpine breed of large powerful thick-coated dog used as a rescue dog