Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Spare Tire
- noun - excess fat around the waistline
Spare Tyre
- unknown - emergency tyre kept in vehicle in case of damage to tyres on the wheels
- - The parlor or reception room of a convent.
- noun - the pastime of exploring caves
- the scientific study of caves
Spice Bush
- noun - deciduous shrub of the eastern United States having highly aromatic leaves and bark and yellow flowers followed by scarlet or yellow berries
Spice Cake
- noun - cake flavored with spices
Spice Rack
- noun - a rack for displaying containers filled with spices
Spice Tree
- noun - Pacific coast tree having aromatic foliage and small umbellate flowers followed by olivelike fruit; yields a hard tough wood
- tree bearing aromatic bark or berries
- noun - shrub with coral-red berries; Japan to northern India
- spicy red berrylike fruit; source of wintergreen oil
- noun - a mill for grinding spices