Matching Words
3442 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Spider Web
- noun - a web resembling the webs spun by spiders
- a web spun by spiders to trap insect prey
- adjective - relating to or resembling a member of the class Arachnida
- noun - any plant of the family Commelinaceae
Spike Heel
- noun - a very high narrow heel on women''s shoes
- a very high narrow heel on women's shoes
Spike Mike
- noun - a contact microphone for listening through walls
Spike Moss
- noun - any of numerous fern allies of the genus Selaginella
Spike Rush
- noun - a sedge of the genus Eleocharis
- noun - an aromatic ointment used in antiquity
- Aromatic plant
- - Becoming hard and thorny; tapering gradually to a rigid, leafless point; armed with spines.
- adverb - in a maliciously spiteful manner; "pray for them that despitefully use us"
- with spite; in a spiteful manner; "he answered his accusers spitefully"