Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - To pour (something) over or on something else.
- unknown - An extremely strong and fast-acting adhesive that forms a bond on impact.
- - To heat too much, to overheat; as, to superheat an oven.
- unknown - A comic strip character who is capable of extraordinary feats usually in defence of humanity.
- noun - a radio receiver that combines a locally generated frequency with the carrier frequency to produce a supersonic signal that is demodulated and amplified
- - A removable upper part of a hive. The word is sometimes contracted to super.
- noun - a character or symbol set or printed or written above and immediately to one side of another character
- a combatant who is able to defeat rivals
- a town in northwest Wisconsin on Lake Superior across from Duluth
- one of greater rank or station or quality
- the head of a religious community
- the largest freshwater lake in the world; the deepest of the Great Lakes
- noun - a variable load on a structure (e.g. a bridge) such as moving traffic
- unknown - small powerful car
- noun - an informal term for a mother who can combine childcare and full-time employment