Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - The first appearance of the sun above the horizon in the morning; more generally, the time of such appearance, whether in fair or cloudy weather; as, to begin work at sunrise.
- noun - a cream spread on the skin; contains a chemical (as PABA) to filter out ultraviolet light and so protect from sunburn
- noun - a canopy made of canvas to shelter people or things from rain or sun
- a handheld collapsible source of shade
- unknown - it protects you from direct light
- noun - moderate weather; suitable for outdoor activities
- the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom; "flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room"
- the rays of the sun; "the shingles were weathered by the sun and wind"
- noun - a translucent quartz spangled with bits of mica or other minerals
- noun - sudden prostration due to exposure to the sun or excessive heat
- adjective - lighted by sunlight; "the sunlit slopes of the canyon"; "violet valleys and the sunstruck ridges"- Wallace Stegner
- verb - (of skin) having a tan color from exposure to the sun; "a young bronzed Apollo"
- get a tan from being exposed to the sun