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33398 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. verb - call in an official matter, such as to attend court
  1. verb - call in an official matter, such as to attend court
Sumo Ring
  1. noun - the circular ring in which Sumo wrestlers compete
Sump Pump
  1. noun - a suction pump for removing liquid from a sump
  1. noun - a correct expression that takes the place of a popular but incorrect expression; "he preferred his erroneous but pleasing mumpsimus to the correct sumpsimus"
  1. adjective - regulating or controlling expenditure or personal behavior; "sumptuary laws discouraging construction of large houses on small plots"; "sumptuary laws forbidding gambling"
  1. adjective - impressive and expensive-looking
  2. rich and superior in quality; "a princely sum"; "gilded dining rooms"
Sun Dance
  1. noun - a ceremonial dance performed by Amerindians at the summer solstice
Sun Plant
  1. noun - widely cultivated in many varieties for its fleshy moss-like foliage and profusion of brightly colored flowers
  2. widely cultivated in many varieties for its fleshy mosslike foliage and profusion of brightly colored flowers
Sun Porch
  1. noun - a room enclosed largely with glass and affording exposure to the sun