Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A heavy wind; a wind that brings a storm; the blast of a storm.
- unknown - Town in the Isle of Lewis.
- - The Parliament of Norway, chosen by indirect election once in three years, but holding annual sessions.
- noun - a book containing a collection of stories (usually for children)
- noun - subheading in a newspaper or magazine article or advertisment
- the plot of a book or play or film
- unknown - A country estate in Wiltshire, England.
- noun - the property of being strong and resolute
- the property of excessive fatness
- noun - a man's hat with a tall crown; usually covered with silk or with beaver fur
- chimney consisting of a metal pipe of large diameter that is used to connect a stove to a flue
Stow Away
- verb - hide aboard a ship or a plane to get free transportation; "The illegal immigrants stowed away on board the freighter"
- noun - a person who hides aboard a ship or plane in the hope of getting free passage