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33398 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

  1. noun - a maneuver in a game or conversation
  2. A plan
  3. an elaborate or deceitful scheme contrived to deceive or evade; "his testimony was just a contrivance to throw us off the track"
  4. Ruse
  1. adjective - highly important to or an integral part of a strategy or plan of action especially in war; "a strategic chess move"; "strategic withdrawal"; "strategic bombing missions"
  2. relating to or concerned with strategy; "strategic weapon"; "the islands are of strategic importance"; "strategic considerations"
  1. - The leader or commander of an army; a general.
  1. - Of or pertaining to an army.
  1. - Warlike; military.
Straw Hat
  1. noun - a stiff hat made of straw with a flat crown
  2. a stiff straw hat with a flat crown
Straw Man
  1. noun - a person used as a cover for some questionable activity
  2. a weak or sham argument set up to be easily refuted
  3. an effigy in the shape of a man to frighten birds away from seeds
  1. noun - larva of chalcid flies injurious to the straw of wheat and other grains
  2. larva of the caddis fly; constructs a case of silk covered with sand or plant debris
  1. noun - someone who takes off all their clothes and runs naked through a public place
  1. adjective - marked with or as if with stripes or linear discolorations; "streaked hair"; "fat legs and dirty streaky faces"
  2. said of bacon with alternate layers of fat and meat