Matching Words
33398 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - The quality or state of being stony.
- - A kind of game with balls, formerly common in England, esp. with young women.
Stop Bath
- noun - an acid bath used to stop the action of a developer
Stop Dead
- verb - stop moving or become immobilized; "When he saw the police car he froze"
Stop Over
- verb -
- interrupt a journey temporarily, e.g., overnight; "We had to stop over in Venezuela on our flight back from Brazil"
- interrupt a trip; "we stopped at Aunt Mary''s house"; "they stopped for three days in Florence"
- - Permitting one to stop over; as, a stop-over check or ticket. See To stop over, under Stop, v. i.
- noun - faucet consisting of a rotating device for regulating flow of a liquid
- noun - a red light on the rear of a motor vehicle that signals when the brakes are applied to slow or stop
- a visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections
- noun - a brief stay in the course of a journey;
- a stopping place on a journey; "there is a stopover to change planes in Chicago"
- adjective - capable of being stopped; "if we pick up our pace he may be stoppable"