Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Burglar Alarm
- noun - a loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm; "they could hear the burglar alarm a mile away"
- a warning device that is tripped off by the occurrence of a burglary
- - With an intent to commit burglary; in the manner of a burglar.
Burgundy Wine
- noun -
- red table wine from the Burgundy region of France (or any similar wine made elsewhere)
Burial Ground
- noun - a tract of land used for burials
- noun - family of chiefly tropical herbs with basal leaves like bracts and small flowers
- noun - the quality of being capable of igniting and burning
Burr Marigold
- noun - any of several plants of the genus Bidens having yellow flowers and prickly fruits that cling to fur and clothing
Burundi Franc
- noun - the basic unit of money in Burundi
Burying Place
- - The ground or place for burying the dead; burial place.