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Matching Words

15781 Results

Below are the words that matched your query.

Brown Hickory
  1. noun - an American hickory tree having bitter nuts
Brown Lemming
  1. noun - of northwestern Canada and Alaska
  1. adjective - having brown stripes
Brownie Point
  1. unknown - Credit for good deed
  1. adjective - of grey tinged with brown
  1. adjective - of grey tinged with brown
  1. noun - a genus containing only one species: spike heath
Brunei Dollar
  1. noun - the basic unit of money in Brunei
Bruno Of Toul
  1. noun - German pope from 1049 to 1054 whose papacy was the beginning of papal reforms in the 11th century (1002-1054)
  1. noun - an abrupt discourteous manner