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Below are the words that matched your query.

Buckeye State
  1. noun - a midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region
Bud Sagebrush
  1. noun - a perennial that is valuable as sheep forage in the United States
  2. half-shrubby perennial valuable as sheep forage in the United States
  1. adjective - having a buff color
Buffalo Gourd
  1. noun - perennial vine of dry parts of central and southwestern United States and Mexico having small hard mottled green inedible fruit
Buffalo Grass
  1. noun - low mat-forming grass of southern United States and tropical America; grown as a lawn grass
  2. short grass growing on dry plains of central United States (where buffalo roam)
  1. noun - any of several large suckers of the Mississippi valley
  2. large carp-like North American fish
Buffing Wheel
  1. noun - a wheel that is covered with soft material
  1. - Having a large head, like a buffalo; dull; stupid; blundering.
Bufo Calamita
  1. noun - common brownish-yellow short-legged toad of western Europe; runs rather than hops
Building Code
  1. noun - set of standards established and enforced by local government for the structural safety of buildings