Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Tobacco Plant
- noun - aromatic annual or perennial herbs and shrubs
Tobacco Pouch
- noun - a pouch for carrying pipe tobacco
Todea Barbara
- noun - fern of rain forests of tropical Australia and New Zealand and South Africa
Todea Superba
- noun - New Zealand with pinnate fronds and a densely woolly stalks; sometimes included in genus Todea
Together With
- adverb - in conjunction with; combined; "our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damage"; "we couldn't pay for the damages with all our salaries put together"
Toggle Switch
- noun - a hinged switch that can assume either of two positions
Toilet Powder
- noun - a fine powder for spreading on the body (as after bathing)
Toilet Tissue
- noun - a soft thin absorbent paper for use in toilets
Token Economy
- noun - a form of behavior therapy that has been used in some mental institutions; patients are rewarded with tokens for appropriate behavior and the tokens may be cashed in for valued rewards
Token Payment
- noun - a small payment made in acknowledgement of an obligation