Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - A large American Miocene mammal, allied to the rhinoceros, and more nearly to the extinct Brontotherium.
- noun - light informal conversation for social occasions
- speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly
To Be Precise
- adverb -
- in actual fact; "properly speaking, they are not husband and wife"
To Begin With
- adverb - before now; "why didn''t you tell me in the first place?"
- before now; "why didn't you tell me in the first place?"
To Perfection
- adverb - in every detail; "the new house suited them to a T"
To The Letter
- adverb - in every detail; "the new house suited them to a T"
Toasting Fork
- noun - long-handled fork for cooking or toasting frankfurters or bread etc. (especially over an open fire)
- unknown - a woman responsible for proposing toasts, introducing speakers, and making other formal announcements at a large social event.
- Female equivalent of toastmaster
Tobacco Juice
- noun - saliva colored brown by tobacco (snuff or chewing tobacco)