Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Tin Pan Alley
- noun - a city district (originally in New York) where composers and publishers of popular music do business
Tinea Capitis
- noun - fungal infection of the scalp characterized by bald patches
Tinea Unguium
- noun - fungal infection of the nails (especially toenails)
Tinker's Damn
- noun - something of little value; "his promise is not worth a damn"; "not worth one red cent"; "not worth shucks"
Tinker's Root
- noun - coarse weedy American perennial herb with large usually perfoliate leaves and purple or dull red flowers
- - A bell; also, a set or combination of bells or metal plates used as a musical instrument or as a toy.
Tip-Top Table
- noun - a pedestal table whose top is hinged so that it can be tilted to a vertical position
Tissue Typing
- noun - a series of diagnostic tests before an organ transplant to determine whether the tissues of a donor and recipient are compatible
Titanic Oxide
- noun - a white powder used as a pigment for its high covering power and durability
- noun - amphibious quadrupedal herbivorous dinosaur with a long thin neck and whiplike tail; of the Cretaceous mostly in the southern hemisphere