Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
South Dakotan
- noun - a native or resident of South Dakota
- a resident of South Dakota
South Pacific
- noun - that part of the Pacific Ocean south of the equator
- that part of the Pacific Ocean to the south of the equator
South Vietnam
- noun - a former country in southeastern Asia that existed from 1954 (after the defeat of the French at Dien Bien Phu) until 1975 when it was defeated and annexed by North Vietnam
- adjective - being in or of a region of the United States including the states of the lower Mississippi valley and east of the Rio Grande
- situated in the southern part of a centrally located area in some geographical region; "south-central London"
- adjective - coming from the southeast; "southeasterly breezes"
- situated in or oriented toward the southeast
- adjective - in a southeastward direction; "the river flows southeastward to the gulf"
- the compass point midway between south and east; at 135 degrees
- toward the southeast
- - The quality or state of being southerly; direction toward the south.
Southern Scup
- noun - porgy of southern Atlantic coastal waters of North America
- noun - shrubby European wormwood naturalized in North America; sometimes used in brewing beer
- adjective - coming from the southwest; "the winds are southwesterly"
- situated in or oriented toward the southwest