Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
- - Bearing soredia; sorediate.
Sorex Araneus
- noun - common American shrew
Sorrento Work
- - Ornamental work, mostly carved in olivewood, decorated with inlay, made at or near Sorrento, Italy. Hence, more rarely, jig-saw work and the like done anywhere.
- noun - a state of gloomy sorrow
- the state of being sad; "she tired of his perpetual sadness"
- noun - the branch of Christian theology that deals with salvation as the effect of a divine agency
- noun - lack of restraint in use of alcohol
- stupefaction from drink
- adjective - exciting strong but not unpleasant emotions; "a stirring speech"
- noun - deep feeling or emotion
Sound Barrier
- noun - the increase in aerodynamic drag as an airplane approaches the speed of sound
Sound Ranging
- noun - locating a source of sound (as an enemy gun) by measurements of the time the sound arrives at microphones in known positions