Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Solo Operator
- unknown - one who works alone
Solomon Hurok
- noun - United States impresario who was born in Russia (1888-1974)
Soluble Glass
- noun - a viscous glass consisting of sodium silicate in solution; used as a cement or as a protective coating and to preserve eggs
- noun - the property of being dissoluble; "he measure the dissolubility of sugar in water"
- noun - the property (of a problem or difficulty) that makes it possible to solve
- noun - the faculty of bodily perception; sensory systems associated with the body; includes skin senses and proprioception and the internal organs
- the perception of tactual or proprioceptive or gut sensations; "he relied on somesthesia to warn him of pressure changes"
Somatic Sense
- noun - the faculty of bodily perception; sensory systems associated with the body; includes skin senses and proprioception and the internal organs
- adjective - of or arising from physiological causes rather than being psychogenic in origin; "somatogenic theories of schizophrenia"
- - Of or pertaining to the somatopleure.
- adjective - of or relating to the somatosenses