Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Silver Thatch
- noun - small palm of southern Florida and West Indies closely resembling the silvertop palmetto
- small stocky fan palm of southern Florida and Cuba
Silver Wattle
- noun - evergreen Australasian tree having white or silvery bark and young leaves and yellow flowers
Silver Willow
- noun - North American willow with grayish silky pubescent leaves that usually blacken in drying
- North American willow with greyish silky pubescent leaves that usually blacken in drying
- adjective - having a silver-colored body
- adjective - having hair the color of silver
- adjective - having silvery leaves
- adjective - having silvery leaves
- adjective - having the body covered or partially covered with silver-colored scales
- noun - someone who makes or repairs articles of silver
- noun - deciduous unarmed North American shrub with silvery leaves and fruits