Matching Words
15781 ResultsBelow are the words that matched your query.
Sidereal Time
- noun - measured by the diurnal motion of stars
Sidereal Year
- noun - the time for the earth to make one complete revolution around the sun, relative to the fixed stars
- noun - a globulin in blood plasma that carries iron
- noun - a joke that seems extremely funny
- adjective - very funny; "a killing joke"; "sidesplitting antics"
Sidney Caesar
- noun - United States comedian who pioneered comdey television shows (born 1922)
- United States comedian who pioneered comedy television shows (born 1922)
Sierra Nevada
- noun - a mountain range in eastern California; contains Mount Whitney
- a mountain range in southern Spain along the Mediterranean coast east of Granada
- a mountain range in southern Spain along the Mediterranean coast to the east of Granada
Sight Setting
- noun - the adjustment of a gunsight for elevation and windage on a particular range under favorable light conditions
- noun - normal use of the faculty of vision
- noun - the state of being blind or lacking sight