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Everyman 3,781 46 brendan 1st April 2019, 09:30
» by matador
@ nemo 9 rossim 1st April 2019, 09:05
» by nemo
Everyman 9 peadar 1st April 2019, 09:00
» by peadar
st 4844 4 ftsalmon 1st April 2019, 08:07
» by brendan
SP 4 cantdo 31st March 2019, 21:10
» by rusty
Times 27312 3 bigdave1954 31st March 2019, 20:27
» by malone
Everyman3781 1 eddy49 31st March 2019, 20:20
» by malone
Everyman 3781 clue 6d 6 eddy49 31st March 2019, 20:19
» by malone
Spectator 2401 2 leon 31st March 2019, 20:14
» by leon
sT4844 3 pollyanna 31st March 2019, 19:48
» by rusty
Everyman 3781 8 zenithmelodron 31st March 2019, 19:31
» by malone
Sunday Post Cryptic 4 blueberry 31st March 2019, 18:01
» by chips
Observer Everyman Crossword 12 orcadian 31st March 2019, 16:49
» by zenithmelodron
ST 4844 2 grimalkin 31st March 2019, 13:42
» by grimalkin
Azed March 31st 4 jadzia49 31st March 2019, 13:41
» by scorpiojo
Guardian prize 15 barny 31st March 2019, 12:13
» by roof
Common Combos 5 icauser44 31st March 2019, 10:24
» by icauser44
alpha puzzle sunday 31/03.2019 1 catwoman48 31st March 2019, 10:20
» by rossim
The Ladygram 5 rossim 31st March 2019, 10:04
» by rossim
Linkword 6 rays 31st March 2019, 04:11
» by hannah
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