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Topic Replies Started by Last post
Guardian prize 29 rogissimo 24th March 2019, 19:38
» by malone
SAT TIMES 27306 30 hallgreening 24th March 2019, 19:32
» by malone
AZED 2441 6 iain 24th March 2019, 19:30
» by liz
Everyman 3780 4 zenithmelodron 24th March 2019, 18:18
» by zenithmelodron
ST 4843 1 shipwreck 24th March 2019, 17:59
» by chrise
Inquisitor 1587 25 jogamel 24th March 2019, 17:50
» by laertes
London Evening Standard's Friday puzzle 3 jazzlover42 24th March 2019, 17:26
» by mamya
SWEP cryptic 4 martynclark 24th March 2019, 17:13
» by malone
Times 27306 4 bigdave1954 24th March 2019, 16:11
» by bigdave1954
St4843 13 pollyanna 24th March 2019, 15:58
» by malone
Guardian prize 1 rosscoe 24th March 2019, 14:58
» by rusty
Linkword 5 rays 24th March 2019, 13:03
» by rays
Spectator 2400 20 kt17 24th March 2019, 12:54
» by itsme
ST 4843 3 hallgreening 24th March 2019, 12:08
» by malone
Sunday Times Cryptic 4843 3 bobbycollins 24th March 2019, 11:35
» by brendan
Linkword 2 rays 24th March 2019, 11:31
» by rays
ST4843 2 anriard 24th March 2019, 11:17
» by anriard
Everyman 4 thomas 24th March 2019, 11:11
» by brendan
The Week 1150 5 halifaxandrew 24th March 2019, 10:54
» by malone
Listener 4547 2 s_pugh 24th March 2019, 10:36
» by gitto
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